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Water-Wise Smart Irrigation

Keeping your property watered is essential to maintaining healthy turf, flowers, and vegetation. It's important, however, to strike a balance between watering enough and not overwatering. While it may seem as simple as watering on the same schedule, rain and humidity can cause your lawn's needs to fluctuate.

If you want to take control of your property's hydration, we invite you to contact KC Land Designs. We are proud to provide our clients with smart irrigation system installation so you can keep track of your sprinklers from the comfort of your home or office.

Water-wise irrigation allows you to save money and resources by giving your property what it needs while avoiding waste.

To learn more about smart irrigation controllers, read on. To schedule your installation, dial (720) 440-9054 today.

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Understanding Smart Irrigation Controllers

Water is a precious resource that is often wasted—especially when it comes to our landscaping needs. If you're looking to curb inefficiencies and preserve water, smart irrigation technology is the answer.

Smart irrigation controllers do more than simply put your sprinklers on a timer. They track the weather, soil conditions, and plant water use to accurately adjust the amount of water used on your property. If the temperature rises and there is less rain, for example, your smart sprinkler system will know your turf requires more hydration.

We are proud to offer both weather-based and soil-based smart controllers, depending on the unique needs of your property.

If you'd like to discuss water-wise irrigation with our experts, we invite you to reach us today.

Save Money and Resources with Water-Wise Irrigation

Today, we have started to understand the importance of preserving water. Saving water isn't just important to the environment, however, it can also help us save a significant amount of money. Installing water-wise irrigation controllers will allow you to provide your property with precisely the water it needs - no more, no less - ensuring you can care for your lawn without flushing your resources down the drain.

Irrigation controllers are accessible from your computer, so you can always keep an eye on your water-use and adjust it as you see fit.

Discuss Smart Irrigation Installation with Our Team

Not only is our expert team able to seamlessly install smart water irrigation systems, but we also provide maintenance and repairs. If, at any point, your controller is not working the way you need it to, our maintenance contractors can be by your side to find solutions fast.

Our installation and maintenance services are designed to meet our clienteles' diverse needs and are very well-priced.

To learn more, reach us today.

Provide Your Property the Moisture it Needs with a Water-Wise Irrigation System

If you're ready to maximize the efficiency of your irrigation system, KC Land Designs is the name to know and the team to call. We have the skills and resources to set you up with the advanced technology you need to ensure water isn't going to waste.

Contact us to learn more.

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